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Londra zero zero 14
Giovedì 24 marzo 2011 ore 19.00
@ Skalitzerstr 67 - Skalitzer Str. 67 Kreuzberg - Berlino

presentation of LONDRA ZERO ZERO a book by Lorenzo Fe - Agenzia X press

Stories of a deep trip into London's suburbs, abandoned factories, squatts, slums, vegan activism, cultural melting pot, artistical ferment of underground lifestyles and sub-cultures, following the beat of grime and dubstep music and the rhythm of rebel tales.
The author will be present.

music selection by Dj Met (Joystepdivision)

Vegan Vokü and Sweetness


Sabato 12 Giugno, ore 19.00 @ Link, via Fantoni 21 - Bologna

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